After scanning the Executive Summary of the IEA report, the only surprise was how vacant of new ideas it is.
From the summary:
A co-ordinated transformation of the entire system reduces additional costs. A different scenario of the test system considers a more transformative approach. The installed power plant mix is reoptimised in the presence of 45% VRE and additional flexibility options are deployed (Transformed case). Compared to the Legacy case, the power plant mix shows a structural shift:This adds nothing to the thinking on energy.
- a strong decrease in the number of power plants that are designed to operate around the clock and that cannot change their output dynamically (referred to as baseload technologies)
In addition, a better strategy for managing grid infrastructure is assumed. In this case, total system costs increase only by USD 11/MWh. This is two-thirds less than in the Legacy scenario. At a share of 30% of VRE in power generation, the increase in total system costs stands at USD 6/MWh.
- an increase in the number of flexible power plants that are designed for part-time operation (referred to as mid-merit and peaking generation).