Friday, March 1, 2013

Federal government vows Canada will make HEU-free isotopes by 2016

Ian Macleod covers a number of issues regarding Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd in this column, including medical isotope production, waste disposal, and ownership/management structure.

Federal government vows Canada will make HEU-free isotopes by 2016:
“We are not selling or closing the Chalk River nuclear laboratories,” Oliver told several hundred delegates representing Canada’s nuclear establishment.
Under an arrangement known as a government-owned, contractor-operated, or GoCo, “the new model aims to bring private-sector rigour and efficiencies to the management of the laboratories and the goal of creating commercial opportunities and reducing the financial costs and risk for Canadian taxpayers,” he said.
“Our government is committed to providing industry access to AECL’s expertise but we are also committed to taxpayers and that’s why over time the delivery of AECL’s science and technology services to industry will need to move to full costs recovery.”
Read the entire article at the Ottawa Citizen: