Sunday, March 18, 2012

Federal renewable energy advisor told not to deal with NextEra -

An article in th Los Angeles Times notes concerns with the process appearing to be unseemly due to a relationship between a key decision-maker, and policy shaper, and a recently hired Nextera lobbyist.
Federal renewable energy advisor told not to deal with NextEra -
"The chief architect of the Obama administration's renewable energy policy has been instructed to refrain from any dealings with the country's largest renewable energy company because of a romantic relationship with the firm's Washington lobbyist."
In Ontario - Canada - Nextera was the big winner in the last feed-in tariff award lottery (468.5 MW out of 1018.4MW according to renewablenergyworld,com) ... and those awards reportedly followed Nextera's hiring, months earlier, of the law firm/lobby firm of Cassels, Brock and Blackwell - a firm with chairman David Peterson, the former Premier of Ontario - sometimes referenced as a mentor of Ontario's current Liberal Premier.

The article in the LA Times is similar:  the relationship cited involving the powerful, 51 year-old, Steve Black, the Interior Secretary's alternative energy advisor, and a 28-year-old Nextera lobbyist.

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