Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mark Lynas » UK moves a step closer to nuclear waste solution

Mark Lynas has a blog post dealing with what to do with nuclear waste -  the PRISM seems to have more going for it than MOXy

Mark Lynas » UK moves a step closer to nuclear waste solution:
"Areva’s submission to the NDA’s original plutonium consultation asserted that fast reactors are not an option until 2040 or later. However GE’s executives told me that they could get one up and running in 5 years – the PRISM is fully proven in engineering terms and basically ready to go. Nor will the UK taxpayer be asked to fund upfront capital costs – instead the proposal is for the NDA to pay a fixed price per kg of plutonium dealt with, whilst the PRISM plant will also generate a return by selling commercial electricity. (1 PRISM block has a rated capacity of 600 megawatts.) The risk of going over-budget – always a concern for first-of-a-kind projects – remains with GE."

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