Judith Curry picked up on an article from CRACKED, and added some comments relevant to the discussions featured on her Climate Etc. blog.
Logical Fallacies That Make You Wrong More Than You Think | Cracked.com:
"The Internet has introduced a golden age of ill-informed arguments. You can't post a video of an adorable kitten without a raging debate about pet issues spawning in the comment section. These days, everyone is a pundit.
But with all those different perspectives on important issues flying around, you'd think we'd be getting smarter and more informed. Unfortunately...Read more at Cracked.com, or at Climate Etc.
- We're Not Programmed to Seek "Truth," We're Programmed to "Win...
- Our Brains Don't Understand Probability...
- We Think Everyone's Out to Get Us...
- We're Hard-Wired to Have a Double Standard...
- Facts Don't Change Our Minds